How to find anime on your own. The Board |
The Week's Special.
Each week will this page feature a special offer at a reduced price. This is available as long as I receive the order for it before the offer is changed.
THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL. Battle Athletes, a funny anime about a group of young girls and their trails to become the ultimate athletes, the Cosmic Beauty. A mix of humor, action, cute girls and super heroic abilities, all in a futuristic setting. Battle Athletes Missions OVA, rm format, subtitled, 6 episodes. Battle Athletes Victory TV series, rm format, subtitled, 26 episodes. Battle Athletes OST 2, mp3 format. Battle Atheltes Music video, Rush, mpeg format.
A three CD set, at the price of two, 20 dollars.
* This price only applies for the full, unaltered set. No editing of the above is possible. * The set do not count towards the bonus CD. |