How to find anime on your own. The Board |
Welcome to the anitrade homepage, the place to aquire the precious anime episodes and movies that we all wants to see.
The anime sold and traded through this page is digital and recorded on CD's, using formats such as ASF, MPEG, DIVX and Real Player.
Browse the lists or the database, there is an extrensive collection, spanning across movies, series, music, music videos and manga, all available for trade or sale.
Everything is subtitled in english or has english speech, noted with each episode.
The lists currently features over 2000 episodes and movies, ranging in size and lenght. While they are not in the quality you are used to on VHS or full digital recordings, they are a lot cheaper and takes up less space.
Soon to come, An anime encyclopedia that allows you to find the basic informations about an anime, such as names, date of production, genre and much more, in a handy database format where you can search within 90% of all anime made between 1968 (The oldest recoded there) to 2001 (yup, we are trying to get the latest scheduled anime into it also).
Note that the anime available here may be illegal in some countries, some more then others. Some is fansub work and may be distributed, while others are taken from official products. If you only want the anime that is fan work and relatively legal, mention that and I will tell you what is still available in what you have selected.
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